Thursday, January 7, 2010

How do I mix/make the gas to oil ratio in my leaf blower?

I just bought a Barracuda SV30 leaf blower from a garage sale and the previous owners told me it takes a 40:1 gas to oil ratio. I don't know exactly how to mix the gas and oil, however. Can anyone tell me? Also, what kind of oil should I use? I think it's a 2-cycle leaf blower, but I'm not entirely sure.How do I mix/make the gas to oil ratio in my leaf blower?
Never use any motor oil like 30W or 10W-30 ';It's to thick and will wreck a 2 cycle fast.';

The oil has to say 2-cycle engine oil. Mix 3.2oz of oil with one gallon gas for a 40-1

Most oil you buy will have a mix chart on it.

A little more oil is better than to little.

If you put way to much oil in it will smoke some and maybe foul a plug but that's about it. If you put to little in after one tank the engine is trash.How do I mix/make the gas to oil ratio in my leaf blower?
Most home improvement stores sell an oil called Pro-Mix. It is a premium 2 cycle oil that will work in any mix ratio. I have never had problems with this and am very satified. You mix it per the directions on the bottle and it can be used in a multitude of engines. I only have to mix and keep one gallon on my shelf. It will work in my snow blower, chain saw, tiller, leaf blower, etc regardless of what the engine calls for. Darrell
The quart bottle of 2 cycle oil should have the mixture proportion on the lable ie. 32:1 ...40:1 etc. ounces per gal. or get the pre-measured bottles that are for one gallon of gas.
go to Lowe's or hd they sell 2-cycle oil it will say 40 to 1 or 50to1 get the 40 to 1 put one gal of gas and the small bottle together and shake a little bit good to go
Its a 2 cycle.They make individual packets/per gallon.

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