Thursday, January 7, 2010

Best way to get rid of used cooking oil?

To be more specific I mean ways to dispose it in the United Kingdom.

After cooking I collect it in a jar. I have no idea what to do with it once the jar is full.

It's not just veg oil, but also fats and other oils.Best way to get rid of used cooking oil?
if you have a dog, put a bit on the kibble, it will make the coat shine!!Best way to get rid of used cooking oil?
You could always take it with you when you have the oil changed in your automobile, they will put it with the used oil they remove from your car!

Or if you are in to natural things, you could make your own soap

(Used oils and fats of any type, strained to remove the debris %26amp; caustic soda) You'll find the complete ';recipe'; in internet
your local petro station will take it
I don't live in the UK, but I usually put my cooking oil in an empty can (one that I've used that I'd normally toss in the trash anyway, such as a tomato sauce can or green bean can or something). Then I stick it in the freezer with the oil in it. It then causes the oil to become more solid and then when the can is full, I throw it in the garbage. That way the oil doesn't leak all over in the trash when I throw it out (like when you initally use it and it's hot), and it's not making more trash, becuase you'd normally throw out the can anyway.

I know near where I live they have a recycling center for used motor oil, but I have never heard of a place for used cooking oil *grins* :-) I think most assume people just throw it in the trash.
I throw it away in a glass jar with a lid or in a plastic coke bottle with a lid after the oil has cooled .
Check to see if anyone near you is making homemade ';bio-diesel';. They would probably be glad to come pick it up regularly.
Feed it to the dogs.... It actually improves their fur when they eat it. It keeps it shiny and soft.
put it in a empty coffee can and toss it.
Donate it to a friend that drives a veggie mobile!
What to do with household oil is a problem. There is a growing industry in collecting used cooking oil from fast food places and restaurants and processing it to make bio-diesel fuel. You can run your car on this stuff and it doesn't produce exhaust with all the noxious fumes and gases that are emitted by traditional fuels. However, that doesn't solve your problem. Check with your local council to find out if they have scheduled trash pickups for things such as used oil. Other than that, you can pour it over old newspapers and burn it in your backyard burner. But that seems very wasteful, doesn't it?

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