Friday, December 18, 2009

How much of the economic growth in developing countries can be attributed to higher oil prices?

I want to know about higher oil prices in contrast to foreign aid and other trade. It's difficult to isolate all of the pertinent variables, but I'm sure someone has done some econometric analysis. If you have seen a paper or article on it, please send me a link/citation. Thanks.How much of the economic growth in developing countries can be attributed to higher oil prices?
If the country exports oil, chances are that 100% of it's growth is due to oil price. B/c making money on oil is so much easier than developing manufacturing or other industries. UAE are about the only exception, thanks to ';good dictator'; that they had.

If country imports oil, increased price hurts the economy and does not contribute to growth at all.

If you want academic studies, youcan search for them at much of the economic growth in developing countries can be attributed to higher oil prices?
I disagree with the former answers above. The Oil industry is a rather complex market. The rise in Oil prices can be attributed to the price of crude oil per gallon amongst many other variables. Economist debate of this subject as they cannot even say for sure what are the definitive causes in the rise in oil prices. Some even suggest where still feeling the effects of Hurricane Katrina.

One thing is for sure. Some dictator in some obsolete nation does not`t wake up one day and say OHH I raise oil prices to promote economic growth in my developing nation. It does not work that way. The market is extremely complex and the price of oil is comes from abstract uncontrollable circumstances. No one really profits, and no decisions are made in this regard to put it mildly its a Market Shift!
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