Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is the best way to remove old oil stains from a concrete driveway?

Dry, powder dishwashing detergent sprinkled on the stain.

Then twist your shoe on it over and over and over and over. Work the detergent into the stain very well. It has bleaching action! It may now look good enough to leave alone or you can rinse it with the garden hose.

If your car continues to mess up you driveway, you might want to consider a concrete sealer.What is the best way to remove old oil stains from a concrete driveway?
Two ways after you power wash your driveway, soak it with acetone. If you want it too look like a million bucks then you want to consider painting it with a good one part epoxy paint or floor kit.What is the best way to remove old oil stains from a concrete driveway?
Buy a small bag of kitty litter %26amp; throw onto the stains, then let it set for two days. Then, sweep up the litter %26amp; throw it away. Next, pour some ';dry cement'; on the stains, %26amp; let set for two days. Make sure there is NO rain in the forecast or the cement will harden. Sweep up the dry cement, %26amp; dispose of it properly. It works. It's the dry cement that absorbs the stain %26amp; the kitty litter absorbs the grease.
the best home remedies that I have had luck with were:

on rough finished concrete is to simply poor coca-cola on the stains and let them sit

the mild acid effect will diminish the oil stains

on smooth finished concrete was to drizzle Oil-Dry or Kitty litter and let them soak

then spray the stains with WD-40 and rub with a rag
you have to use a solvent to remove a solvent stain. soap and water wont work.
I know this is not the smartest thing in the world to do, but if it is outside, pour about a half cup of gasoline on it, then put some dirt, sand or whatever on it. Brush the dirt around till the stain is gone. Works like a champ for me and if you have a lawn mower, then you probably have gas handy like I did.


Not good idea to use in large amounts or while smoking.
muratic acid...........will burn it off then rinse with some water from a hose.

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