Friday, December 18, 2009

What is the future of the American oil fields under Obama-Biden?

We are a family of oil field ';trash'; we grew up with it and now married into it. It is our way of life. I just wonder what kinds of trouble we might get into if Obama is elected into office?What is the future of the American oil fields under Obama-Biden?
Obama is against drilling...he makes feeble motions of being for it but along with Nancy 'We've got a planet to save' Pelosi and Harry 'Where am I?' Reid, I believe they will cut back on the present drilling as well as not expand into new areas...and I have relatives who work on the rigs and I know the rigs have safety features to protect the environment but the Democrats will never even consider that...What is the future of the American oil fields under Obama-Biden?
The only problem is - that oil isn't enough to supply all our needs. We only have 4% of the oil but we consume 25% of it. A conundrum. If we are going to get off foreign oil totally - we need another form of energy.

Nobody thinks you are ';trash'; - I have never heard that before. Good for you for having a family business - but your grandchildren and their grandchildren will have to find a new line of work - it just won't last that long.
The only difference for oil companies will be that they will be making single digit profits rather than double digit profits.

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