Friday, December 18, 2009

What does it mean when a fish oil supplement says ';mercury undetectable';?

I am pregnant so I really need to be sure the mercury levels are safe! If the supplement says undetectable should I be wary or is it safe?What does it mean when a fish oil supplement says ';mercury undetectable';?
it means that the mercury in a daily dose is so low that they cannot be detected with sensitive testing equipment. It sounds safe.What does it mean when a fish oil supplement says ';mercury undetectable';?
I take Flaxseed oil pills instead of the fish oil...they have the same omega 3 fatty doctor recommended the Flaxseed..
The US requires all manufacturers of fish oil capsules to test for mercury. They are perfectly safe to use during pregnancy if your doctor says it's ok. No problem with the brand that you are using.

The reason why I suggest to ask your doctor first is because there have been some studies that have come out indicating that supplementing fish oil could be a problem for some people with particular heart problems. My Dad takes one, but my Uncle was told not to (they have the same group of doctors).
It means there are no detectable traces of mercury-so yes, it is safe

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