Friday, December 18, 2009

How much does it cost to convert an oil furnace to any other type of fuel?

the oil furnace is only 6 years old. but were sick of paying the high price. ANY suggestions will be helpfulHow much does it cost to convert an oil furnace to any other type of fuel?
I'm in the process of changing from oil to gas right now. If you have gas on your street, most gas companies will bring the gas to your meter (they supply the meter) for free.

Furnaces in Ottawa,On, sell from between $2000 installed for a mid efficiency to more than $3700 for some high efficiency models. If you're getting a new furnace, don't cheap-out, pay $1200 more and get a good high efficiency (94% or better) furnace with a variable speed DC blower. You'll save big bucks on gas and hydro and your house will sell quicker if you decide to sell. Depending upon whether or not you have a low-boy or upright oil furnace, there could be ductwork involved ($200??) If the installer has to bore through concrete for exhaust and intake, expect to pay another $100-$200.

Most companies charge to remove the old tank and furnace. We were quoted between $600 anmd $900. We ended up advertising it in Kijiji and found a guy who will take it for free to use in his workshop.

If you live in Canada, set aside $5000.00, US, maybe $1000 less?

Wood can be very cheap too, we had it in our last house. We heated our house for three years for free as we lived in the woods. It cost us $1200 for the wood stove, $1350 for the chimney, $125 for the inspection and $40 extra a year on our insurance. It kept the house very warm, but we were always tending the fire, chopping wood, dragging wood, stacking wood, etc, etc.How much does it cost to convert an oil furnace to any other type of fuel?
where do you live, if you live in the correct areas, you can get a wood furnace, about 5k.

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