Friday, December 18, 2009

Can you add applesauce in place of oil in zucchini bread?

I have heard you can for cake so I was wondering if this would be the same. If so, do you add the same amount as you would oil? Thanks!Can you add applesauce in place of oil in zucchini bread?
Absolutely! It makes it taste even better. Yes, use the same amount as you would oil. It does change the taste a little, but I like it better.Can you add applesauce in place of oil in zucchini bread?
i don't see why not. all the zucchini bread i've had has cinnamon in it. applesauce would be a natural addition. i'm sorry, i don't know how much though.
Definitely yes. Yummmmm....
I have done this, the only diffence I noticed is that it was a little drier. Sometimes the oil makes the bread too greasy, not to say unhealthy, so I've started adding a few tbsp oil plus the applesauce. Don't be afraid to experiment! Great recipes come about this way! Enjoy!!
You can but you change the flavor. Yes, use the same amount as for oil.
Yes, one cup applesauce to replace oil for one recipe.
That is always how I make my zucchini bread.. Its delicious!!!
i have before. came out fine.
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